Don’t see the question you need answered? Feel free to contact us!

How long will it take for me to get a quote?

If you have your lease economics with you, our lease consultants can give you a non-binding quote right over the phone.

How long is the quote good for?

The quote will be verified and validated after we get a copy of your lease and verify the terms and economics the quote was derived from. At which point, a Letter of Intent will be drafted by our legal department and submitted for your signature via DocuSign…the offer is good for 5 business days.

Is this initial quote the final quote?

No. The final quote is the Letter of Intent submitted to you by our legal department after our pricing department runs all the models and we establish a closing date.

How do I know you guys are reputable?

Marc Anthony, Founder & CEO, BLACKDOT, is one of the co-founders of the digital infrastructure lease aggregation industry along with Goldman Sachs and IDC Capital a venture capital firm. Over the last 35+ years, Marc Anthony through his various financial partnerships has aggregated well over a Billion dollars in wireless, digital and outdoor infrastructure throughout North America, Central America and the Carribean. Please see Clients & Relationships at for more information.

How long have you folks been in business?

20 years as of May 2024.

Have you guys done deals like my site before and some of the complications I have now?

When it comes to mission critical infrastructure asset aggregation such as wireless, digital, outdoor, renewables and EV, BLACKDOT prides itself in knowing that there is nothing we cannot purchase, perfect, underwrite, process and close when there is a real estate agreement, cash flow and a credible tenant we are looking to acquire.

What is the length of the entire process in order that you fund me to my bank account for buying my site?

Usually, BLACKDOT funds most transactions within a 90 day time period. However, depending how fast the seller provides BLACKDOT the necessary documentation, we can fund deals in less than 30 days subject to title being clean and there are no loans on the property. For example, BLACKDOT with the help of the seller, was able to close a tower portfolio with over 15+ lease, 5 towers on 5 separate parcels (2 fee purchases, 2 easement purchases and the simultaneous acquisition of a prime lease rolled up into a reverse 1031 exchange) for $39.5 million dollars with a hard close date of 45 days.

Do you wire the money or how am I paid?

The money to buy your site is wired via a Title and Escrow company out of New York City. Typically, we work with TitleVest a subsidiary First American title one of the largest title companies in the United States. The TitleVest group handles all the esoteric asset purchases for First American.

If it’s a trust that owns my site, can you still do this deal?

Absolutely, we have done this multiple times before. Our underwriting department is all to familiar with handling these types of transactions.

What if I have some Federal agencies or contracts on my site, can we still do this deal?

Not a problem, we have done deals with multiple Federal agencies and know exactly how to structure these transactions.

I am a busy person, so how much time or paperwork do you need from me in order to get this deal done?

We will provide you a complete list of items we need to proceed forth and one of our Lease Consultants with be there to help you every step of the way. Time kills deals hence, when we make a commitment to our sellers to close in certain period of time, we also expect our sellers to provide the information we need to close the deal as quick as possible.

This is a family-owned business is it possible to wire to three to four different bank accounts, so my siblings won’t think I am taking all the money?

Absolutely, the Escrow company can draft the wiring instructions anyway you direct, and we have done this before on multiple occasions.

I have three companies on my cell site and can I sell all three companies

Yes, in fact this is usually the norm and we do this all the time.

How do I know your quote is the best quote out there?

For the most part, all the finance companies and aggregators have the same cost of capital, so the way you will know you have the best offer is when a buyer submits an LOI to you for your consideration. Most buyers try to give you a verbal without putting a pen to paper, so to see if they can make more money off the seller. At BLACKDOT, we always put our best foot forward with our first offer. So If we happen to be a couple of dollars off, based on the relationship we have built with the seller, we will match the highest bidder if the relationship we have built with the seller is someone we want to maintain a long term relationship with…our motto is we only work with people we like.

How much will my attorney be involved?

We encourage you to get your attorney involved as soon as possible and start the diligence process with an initial consult with Jennifer Tice, General Counsel & VP Underwriting, BLACKDOT. After your initial consult, all your questions will be answered and we will have developed a road map and time frame to closing your transaction.

How long does it take until I get official Letter of Intent (“LOI”)

This can be within 2 to 4 days after we get a completed lease purchase application from the seller.

What sort of things do I need to get to you to get this process going quickly?

The last page of the LOI, we include a checklist of the items we need to get started such as the entire Lease Agreement including amendments, 12 months of the most recent checks, grant deed, current title report if available and name of financial institution if you have a loan against on the property. Depending on the structure of the deal, there will be other documents we would request a copy of.

Can I keep the land that my cell site is on because it is attached to business building that I use for other businesses?

Yes, we can bifurcate your business from the acquisition of your infrastructure transaction. There are many ways BLACKDOT can structure the transaction to create a win-win situation for all.

What type of 1099 will I get from you folks that I will have to pay taxes on after this is all done?

Usually, it is a standard 1099 but it will depend on what entity the escrow company will be wiring it too.

Can I do a 1031 exchange for the proceeds I get from this sale?

Yes, this is frequently done, and we have a separate company that will work with putting this entire process together for you.

Do you only buy cell sites or are there other digital infrastructure purchases you do currently?

Wireless Assets such as cell phone towers, ground and rooftop leases and DAS systems make up a small fraction of what we consider digital infrastructure. We also buy Fiber Assets (POP’s, switches, central offices, fiber ducts, right of ways); Private Fiber Assets (educational, municipal and HOA’s); Small CLEC and Broadband Firms; Data Centers (existing and new development)

Where are you guys located?

Our corporate office is in Las Vegas, Nevada however we have satellite offices in Mission Viejo, California; Denver, Colorado; Austin, Texas; Chicago, Illinois; Atlanta, Georgia; Charlotte, North Carolina and Bountiful, Utah.